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A Tetris Remake

Jun 03 2015

Game Development

Project Synopsis

Tetris is one of the most influential games ever created, and one of my personal favorites (I'm not very good at it). This was the second game I ever made. My objective for this game was to create it in as little time as possible (at most 5 days) with a unique implementation. This game took me 4 days non-stop to create, and was programmed in Java.

Skills Utilized

At this point in my personal career I had developed a set of fundamental skills which were further improved upon with every additional project I completed/undertook. The skills improved upon were the following:

  • Object oriented programming (use of MVC design pattern, I wasn't intentionally aware of this at the time)
  • Fast iteration of solutions to a problem (trying to quickly come up with implementations for the logic of Tetris)
  • Image editing and processing via Photoshop

Technologies Used

  • Eclipse IDE for development
  • Photoshop for graphics and sprites
  • Copious amounts of coffee

Challenges, Issues, and their Resolutions

Determining an implementation for this game was the most difficult part due to the time constraint I had set on myself. So, I got out a piece of paper and just started writing down possible ways to implement the logic and graphics of the game. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion of the 2 following implementations for the logic:

  • Using an nxn grid of booleans to keep track of where each tetromino was located. Draw the shapes wherever the value was True
  • A collision based approach where each tetromino would have a position variable, and that variable would be used to calculate where to draw the shapes

Eventually I chose the boolean grid approach due to the fact that keeping track of True/False values made work simpler than keeping track of each tetromino's position. The pieces were also True/False values; as the blocks would move down the grid, the game would update its grid based on the values of each piece. The rotation logic also took a little bit of effort to implement but was relatively simple when compared to implementing the grid.

What did I Learn

Sometimes iterating through a plethora of solutions very quickly is a good way to determine the best solution. If you think something might not work try to implement it and figure out improvements upon it, or try to attempt a different solution. When working with teams you have to complete projects with very strict deadlines. During this process, if a solution does not work you will have to quickly determine another solution. This project gave me a sense of this urgency.

On a more direct note, I definitely learned a lot about arrays and other general container objects, pertaining to performance. Iterating through different implementations allowed me to begin forming a general workflow for projects or any other type of work, which I will undoubtedly use in the future. Roughly speaking the process goes something like this:

  • Write down exactly what your objective for the project is
  • Write down the general steps and sections you will have to go through to reach that objective
  • Come up with mockups, algorithms, architecture, etc before starting any work on the app. Essentially think through solutions
  • Create the product while solving and iterating through solutions if necessary. Also keep track of everything you do (daily logs, backups, design mockups, etc)
  • Once project is complete, reflect upon it, and use this opportunity to create more improved products in the future

Video Demo

Thanks for reading :)